Teacher’s Brain

Reasons To Keep Learning Through Summer Break

Kindergarten is such an important part of a child’s education. It introduces them to so many vital lessons and sets them up for success throughout their elementary school education. They learn important concepts like letters, writing, and basic math. Many students progress so much through the year that summer break can seem like it is halting the momentum. Therefore, I think it is so important to keep the learning going through the summer!

Summer learning helps students retain the information they learned throughout the school year. Summer learning loss can cause a lag at the beginning of the next school year because students take time to adjust and remember what they learned months before.  If students continue to practice and learn through the summer months, their minds are kept sharp and they are better prepared for the next school year. This is because the information is still fresh in their minds and they have had plenty of time to practice and master what they learned.

To help improve summer learning for students, I created Summer Learning Packets for Kindergarten and other grade levels. You can assign them at the end of the year for a fun way for your students to continue to practice the extremely important information they learned throughout the school year. This way, the information they learned is better retained and they can go into 1st grade with their head held high because they know their stuff and they feel confident that they can continue to learn and thrive. 

In these packets you will find

  • Weekly Summer Journal with a word bank
  • Math worksheets including a 100 chart, adding and subtraction
  • Reading and writing practice worksheets
  • Summer Reading Log
  • Progress tracker sheet
  • and much more!

If you are looking for learning packets for other grades as well, I have a bundle of Summer Learning Packets for all elementary levels!

This bundle includes:

  • Pre-K to Kindergarten Packet
  • Kindergarten to 1st Grade Packet
  • 1st to 2nd Grade Packet
  • 2nd to 3rd Grade Packet
  • 3rd to 4th Grade Packet
  • 4th to 5th Grade Packet

Each packet is packed full of grade level appropriate worksheets, journals, activities, progress logs, and more.  Summer practice for kids can enhance summer learning for students!

Do you have other ways to keep your students’ minds sharp in the summer? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts! 

Summer Learning Pin (1)