Classroom Organization Tips for the New School Year

Summer is the perfect time for us teachers to relax and recharge, and we deserve it!  However,  it’s also a perfect time to get a head start on classroom organization for the upcoming school year. 

I always say, a well-organized classroom not only creates a better learning environment, but it also sets a positive tone for teachers and students alike. An organized classroom is a happy one!  

If you’re looking for some classroom organization hacks or classroom organization ideas, you’re in the right place! I’m sharing some practical and budget-friendly tips to help you get your classroom in tip-top shape before the new school year begins.

classroom organization tips

How can I organize my classroom better? 

Declutter and Deep Clean

Start with a clean slate by decluttering your classroom. Go through all the materials, supplies, and decorations from the previous year. Decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to toss. But here’s the key: you have to be ruthless! If you haven’t used it in the past year, it’s probably time to let it go. Once you’ve decluttered, give your classroom a good cleaning. A clean, fresh space will make you feel more motivated and ready for the new school year.

Plan Your Layout

Think about the flow of your classroom and how you want it to function. Consider different areas you need: a reading nook, a group work area, a quiet corner for individual work, and a teacher’s desk. Arrange your furniture in a way that makes these areas accessible and functional. Don’t be afraid to move things around until you find the perfect layout! Remember, the goal is to create a space that is conducive to learning and easy to navigate for both you and your kiddos.

Label Everything

Labels are your best friend when it comes to organization. Label shelves, bins, and drawers so that everything has a designated spot. This not only helps you stay organized but also makes it easier for students to find and put away materials. Use clear, easy-to-read labels, and consider adding pictures for younger students. You can even get your students involved in the labeling process once school starts, which helps them feel ownership over the classroom space.

Utilize Vertical Space

When classroom space is limited, think vertically. Use wall space for storage and organization. Install shelves, hooks, and bulletin boards to keep supplies and materials off desks and floors. Hanging file organizers can be a great way to keep papers and assignments organized and easily accessible. Pegboards are another versatile option for hanging supplies, tools, and decorations.

Create a Supply Station

Set up a supply station where students can easily access materials they need for daily activities. Stock it with pencils, markers, scissors, glue, and other essentials. Having a designated supply area reduces interruptions and keeps your classroom running smoothly. Make sure to establish clear expectations for how and when students can use the supply station to maintain order and minimize chaos.

Organize Your Teacher’s Desk

Keeping your desk organized is crucial. Use desk organizers, trays, and drawers to keep everything in its place. Only keep essential items on your desk to avoid clutter. Make it a habit to tidy up your desk at the end of each day to maintain a clean and organized workspace.

Prepare Your Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are not only for displaying student work but also for organizing important information. Dedicate one bulletin board to classroom rules, schedules, and announcements. Another board can be used for showcasing student work and achievements. Change the displays regularly to keep the boards fresh and engaging. Using color-coded sections can also help make the information more accessible and visually appealing.

DIY Projects and Budget-Friendly Ideas for Classroom Organization

You don’t need to spend a fortune to organize your classroom, I promise! Get creative with DIY projects and repurpose items you already have. Use cereal boxes covered in colorful paper as magazine holders, or turn some shoeboxes into storage bins. Thrift stores and dollar stores can be goldmines for affordable organizing supplies. 

After you have your classroom organization complete and ready to go, you get to have FUN decorating it! 

This Black and White Classroom Decor Set has everything you need to get your classroom set up and ready to accept students in the fall. This classroom decor is a simple, yet classic Black and White-themed set! It goes with any decor you already have and you can edit it to add a pop of color or images!

classroom organization and decoration pack

What is in the download:

  • An Editable Calendar Set
  • Editable Daily Visual Schedule
  • Editable Classroom Jobs Set
  • An Alphabet Line (Print and Cursive)
  • Color Word Posters & Name Tags
  • Back to School Welcome Banners, Forms, Posters & Labels for Binders
  • Amazing Work POSTERS

Check it out now! 

I hope these tips are helpful and that you have fun getting your classroom ready for the new school year! 

If you want some more classroom ideas, check out my post here for some classroom decor tips! 

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